The Day After

How Licking the Filthiest Air on the Planet Should Fill Us…

Highway Killers in the Land of Concrete

Growing up in northeast LA County, I knew one set of…

The Brown Air Prequel for our Climate Change World

Why the Sky Disappeared, and Why L.A.'s Smog-Choked…

Chip’s Year in Writing & Creating

For me, creativity isn't just what I do. It's who I am, and…

My Fantastic Place – An Essay

Squeeze was the sound I’d been waiting for from the black…

“The Accidental True Crime Writer” – my Los Angeles Review of Books essay

It wasn’t until one day in 1998, strolling along Hollywood…

Meet Chip Jacobs: Author, journalist, dog-enthusiast, spiritual optimist

The argument that erupted between us that evening felt like…

1979 L.A. True Crime in Song

It was the faces that slayed you that year, when the only…