Keep up with the latest from Author Chip Jacobs
The Brown Air Prequel for our Climate Change World
Why the Sky Disappeared, and Why L.A.'s Smog-Choked Atmosphere Can Be Our Lodestar Today.…
Chip’s Year in Writing & Creating
For me, creativity isn't just what I do. It's who I am, and my most reliable bulwark…
At Christmas, “It’s A Wonderful Life.” In 2022, hopefully it’ll be a series about a life as Impossible as it is Strange!
Mercury Media has optioned its inaugural title, the underdog story of a teenage daredevil…
My Fantastic Place – An Essay
Squeeze was the sound I’d been waiting for from the black hole left by John Lennon’s…
“The Accidental True Crime Writer” – my Los Angeles Review of Books essay
It wasn’t until one day in 1998, strolling along Hollywood Boulevard, that I got stopped…
Meet Chip Jacobs: Author, journalist, dog-enthusiast, spiritual optimist
The argument that erupted between us that evening felt like the climax of a John Hughes…
Trailer for my true-crime book: “The Darkest Glare: A True Story of Murder, Blackmail and Real Estate Greed in 1979 Los Angeles”
If you're a fan of Quentin Tarantino movies or Elmore Leonard books, you'll love this…
1979 L.A. True Crime in Song
It was the faces that slayed you that year, when the only reason for a belly-laugh was a…
The Man Behind the Gun
Not all monsters are born that way. Sometimes, a freak accident changes their fate, and…
Pentagon anticipates major upheaval with Trump’s return to White House
California, it's going to be OK. This is still our moment. Smogtown "an excellent history of L.A.’s long but surprisingly successful battle against air pollution..."
Voters to Elites: Do You See Me Now?
Republican election denial claims take a hiatus with Trump’s victory